29 Apr

Written by Ime Alfred Akpan MEng (UAB), BSc (Greenwich)

In the United Kingdom and throughout Europe, fires are classified using the European Standard. 

Classification of Fires, which is recognised across the European Union and they are:

Class A – Ordinary combustible fires and the fuel type includes paper, wood, textiles, rubber, some plastics and other organic carbon based compounds. This class of fire can be extinguished using water based or foam fire extinguishers.

Class B – Flammable liquids. Fuel types include petrol, kerosene, alcohol, solvents and paints and can be extinguished using foam fire extinguishers.

Class C – Flammable gases. This class includes propane, butane and methane. The only types of extinguisher suitable for use on Class C fires are dry power extinguishers.

Class D – Metal Fires. Alkali metals such as potassium, magnesium, aluminium and sodium are good examples. Specialist type D powder fire extinguishers can be effective in extinguishing Class D fires.

Class E - Electrical Fires: These occur from electrical appliances, circuits, etc. Before trying to put off an electrical fire, ensure that the supply of electricity is isolated as quickly as possible. The recommended fire extinguishers for electrical fires are carbon dioxide and dry powder fire extinguishers.

Class F – Cooking oil fires. Wet chemical extinguishers are most suitable for fighting Class F fires.

It should be noted that Class F is referred to as Class K in the United States.

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